The Foster and Kinship Care Education program provides a variety of free training classes for Foster/Resource parents and relative caregivers, providing both pre-service classes for prospective Resource Foster and Adoptive parents and continuing education for existing Resource Foster and Kinship caregivers.
For more information or to register for our upcoming Foster & Kinship Care classes: Email: [email protected] call 310-660-6460 or text 424-279-4430
To become a resource foster or adoptive parent: Call 888-811-1121. To register for resource parent (RFA) classes: Call 213-640-3082 or 213-640-3079
A wide range of class topics are offered in order to meet the educational, emotional, behavioral, and developmental needs of children and youth in out-of-home care.
All classes are FREE and open to the public:
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm. Closed weekends and holidays.
To Register: Visit or call 310-660-6460
Foster & Kinship Education at the Community & Continuing Education Office
Phone: 310-660-6460
Text: 424-279-4430
Social Science Building, Room 101