Campus Buildings Closed February 13: Campus buildings will be closed on Thursday, February 13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. as staff will be participating in professional development activities. Buildings will reopen at 3 p.m.
The Mission of El Camino College (ECC) is to offer quality, comprehensive educational programs and services to ensure the educational success of students from our diverse community. Central to this mission is student learning, which is not restricted to interactions between students and instructors in a classroom. Instead, the entire campus works together to support student learning in all of our courses, programs, and services.
ECC strives to create a culture where outcomes assessment continually improves the quality of student learning and institutional effectiveness. Members of each department and program engage each other in the development and assessment of outcomes. Dialogue within and amongst departments and programs moves the college forward to meet the evolving needs of our students through instruction, curricula, programs, and services.
Learning Outcomes exist at multiple levels.
Although the initial impetus for assessment began with course-based SLOs, all areas of the college have benefited from identifying desired student outcomes related to the service provided. At ECC, the assessment of these learning outcomes includes the development of actionable plans designed to enhance student learning both inside and outside of the classroom.