Recognizing Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 15, 2021

Dear Colleagues:

On Monday, we will observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a day set aside to remember and honor the legacy of a man whose life was dedicated to advancing civil rights for African Americans and Black Americans. Although Dr. King’s pursuit of equality and racial justice has continually inspired us, the urgency of realizing the America he envisioned has become painfully apparent over the last few months.

2020 was a year of reckoning in this country, as 400 years of oppression, fear, hurt, and anger boiled over following the police-involved killings of Black Americans like Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, and many others. Fully and finally eliminating the inequities and racial injustice in our society—a goal still unmet nearly 53 years after Dr. King’s death—can be put off no longer.

With that in mind, I extend an invitation to every member of the El Camino College community. I encourage you to take a moment to remember Dr. King. Reflect on his vision for a just, inclusive, and equitable America. Consider what you can do to help make that vision a reality, even in small and simple ways.

From recent political unrest and racial injustice to the ongoing pandemic, our nation is facing multiple complex challenges. However, I’m confident that better days lie ahead and that we will emerge stronger if we remain united. As always, please stay safe and healthy.

Best regards,

Dena P. Maloney, Ed.D
El Camino Community College District
310-660-3111 (office)
[email protected]