The comprehensive master planning process is implemented every ten years and involves envisioning what the institution is, what it does, and why it does it. The final result of the comprehensive planning process is the Comprehensive Master Plan, a document with a broad scope that brings together all institution’s sectors and is developed based on a long-range time perspective. The Comprehensive Master Plan is constituted by four plans: The Educational Master Plan (which serves as guide for developing the other three plans), the Technology Plan, the Facilities Plan, and the Staffing Plan.
The comprehensive planning process is led by a task force that is convened for this purpose. In the taskforce, there is representation of all El Camino College constituencies so that principles of integrated planning are appropriately implemented.
The strategic planning process takes place every five years and involves implementing selected aspects of the Comprehensive Master Plan. The final result of this process is the Strategic Plan, a document that operationalizes and articulates the four plans within the Comprehensive Master Plan (the Educational Master Plan, Technology Plan, Facilities Plan, and Staffing Plan). The Strategic Plan identifies the resources required to implement the first five years of the Comprehensive Master Plan, the responsible leads, stakeholders involved, performance indicators and targets. Within the comprehensive planning process, two strategic planning processes take place, resulting in two strategic plans, one for the first five years, and another one for the second five-year period.
The strategic planning process is led by a task force that is convened for this purpose. In the taskforce, all El Camino College constituencies are represented so that principles of integrated planning are appropriately implemented.
The Annual Priorities are college-wide priorities that establishes a focus area within the Strategic Plan. In order to maximize our impact each year and recognizing that our resources may be limited, the College has collectively agreed to prioritize one area within the longer term strategic plans. The Annual Priority(ies) is a population, condition, or element of the College to which the institution will give special attention during a specific fiscal year in order to make significant progress in one issue. All areas, units/division, and offices/programs should contribute in some way to the Annual Priority.
The Annual Plan operationalizes the College's Strategic Plan considering the Annual Priority. This provides the direction to the areas, units/divisions, and offices/programs as they articulate more specific goals and objectives.
For FY2022-23, the College has identified Black or African-American students as the demographic area for greater focus. This student population has been identified as a disproportionality impacted group in 4 out of 7 lagging indicators and in all leading indicators.
Some institutional-level plans revolve around cross-cutting issues which should be addressed by all levels of the Institution. By clearly articulating the priorities around these cross-cutting issues, these related plans encourage coordination and participation at all levels of the Institution.
Distance Education Plan
Equal Employment Opportunity Plan
Enrollment Management Plan
Student Equity Plan
Program Review takes places every four years (every two years for Career Education
programs). Offices/Programs examine the work completed since the last review to evaluate
the progress towards achieving existing goals and outcomes. The review also involves
looking forward and plan for the next 4 years, setting up new/adjusted goals and outcomes,
guided by the aforementioned evaluation. Through the review process, each office/program
has an opportunity to: 1) critically evaluate the accomplishments and services offered
and 2) plan, recommending necessary changes in order to ensure that goals, objectives
and outcomes are met.
The program review processes are conducted by all areas of the College, which includes
the areas of Academic Affairs, Student Services, and administrative areas (Administrative
Services, Human Resources, and the President’s Office).
The Program Review process is led by the head of the office/program under review.
In the case of Academic Affairs, a faculty member assigned by the Dean will conduct
the review. As a result of this process, each office/program produces a report that
includes both a thorough evaluation of the office/program's effectiveness and a plan
with recommendations for improvement. The plan should align with the institutional
goals and the current Strategic Plan of the College.