Assorted food in bowls and spoons

Nutrition Science

Nutrition Science is one of the fastest-growing industries. Hospitals, clinics, schools, senior living centers, wellness programs, community and public health centers, universities, and the hospitality industry are always in need of trained food service professionals. Students learn about chemicals and nutrients in food and their effects on the human body and the world. The study of nutritional science contributes to preparing students for careers as nutritionists, registered dietitians (RD), food scientists, or other dietetics professionals. The study of Nutrition Science provides a broad foundation in a practical and personally applicable exposure to a variety of scientific areas of nutrition such as chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, anatomy, physiology, and biology.

Approximate cost for completing the Nutrition Science program at El Camino.
Careers associated with this program have a salary range from $27,000 to over $208,000 with an average salary of $54,000.
Career opportunities for this program are expected to grow 17.5% nationwide from 2019 to 2029


Choose a Degree Designed for an Transfer

Nutrition Science is the study of human nutrition and its application in meeting the dietary needs of individuals.  As a science- based discipline, the study of Nutrition Science incorporates areas of Food Science, Psychology, Anatomy, Chemistry, Biology, Physiology, Sociology, and more. Many colleges and universities offer Nutrition and Dietetic programs, designed to prepare individuals for many professional carreer opportunities provided upon degree completion. These programs also provide a strong and suitable foundation for students preparing for careers in areas of Dietetics, Public Health, Medicine, Research, Food Science, Culinology, Education, and more. 


Interest in becoming a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)?

Certification as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) requires a comprehensive internship by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics after the completion of a master’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. This internship includes rotations in community nutrition, foodservice management, and clinical dietetics in a hospital setting.  Nutrition professionals may also specialize in unique areas  such as food science, sports nutrition, culinology, informatics, regulatory, marketing, private practice, community education, scientific research, and much more. 

Contact an El Camino College Nutrition Science faculty member for more information on becoming a RDN or on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website.

Questions? Contact Us

Nutrition Science


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