ECC Evolve is transforming the college for students.
ECC Evolve is the change engine for the campus. The concept for this movement came out of a California Guided Pathways Institute and has become the intellectual successor to the Guided Pathways efforts on the campus. ECC Evolve follows the core tenants of clarifying the path for students, helping students enter the path, support students on the path, and ensuring learning as students move towards completion.
ECC Evolve is led by a Steering Committee made up of campus constituencies that facilitates Evolve Summits, organizes problem solving workgroups, and leads change and improvement initiatives for the campus. The ECC Evolve Summits focus on intense group work to interrogate an issue and, using Appreciative Inquiry, come up with solutions to move the campus forward.
ECC Evolve is not an initiative or program, but rather a way ECC will do business going forward. This is about examining and reimagining our practices to create better experiences for our students, improve the processes we interact with as employees, and to create connection between employees across campus.
Keep up to date with what is happening with the El Camino App!
Our Program Pathways Mapper is an online interactive tool that can show you “program maps” for all degrees and certificate programs offered at the college. Program Pathways Mapper features all seven Meta-Majors, along with career information and degree and certificate requirements for all El Camino programs. Simply select a major and view all the courses needed to complete your degree.
We’ll help you create a clear path to academic success!
Once you have selected an academic pathway, ECC Connect will help you stay on the path. ECC Connect helps you communicate with instructors, counselors, and other support staff. This network of support includes tutoring, financial aid, counseling, health services, career exploration, and information about campus and community resources for students needing food, public transportation, clothing, and other assistance.
We’re here to help you succeed and stay on the path!
ECC Evolve
Crystle Martin, Dean, Library & Learning Resources
Polly Parks, ECC Evolve Coordinator
Chris Page, ECC Evolve Coordinator