Continuing Clubs

Continuing Clubs

Each year, the Student Development Office requires that clubs register and submit a room request for their club meetings. Club registration allows our office to know who is currently serving in leadership positions; the room request lets us know about club meetings. 

For any activities or events, an event proposal should be submitted.

Below are links to the forms (all forms are submitted via Engage):

  • Listed below found here
  • Create a club form
  • Reactivate a club form
  • Event Proposal form
  • Room Requests form
  • ICC Budget Requests form
  • ICC Decleration of Intent

Note that club meetings and club events may occur during the Fall, Spring, Summer and Winter semesters. Please see ICC Constitution and By Laws for further info. Contact [email protected] for questions or concerns. 


The Student Development Office has also compiled resources with helpful tips for new leaders. You can look at these resources on the New Leaders page.