Campus Buildings Closed February 13: Campus buildings will be closed on Thursday, February 13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. as staff will be participating in professional development activities. Buildings will reopen at 3 p.m.
The Board of Trustees governs on behalf of the citizens of the El Camino Community College District.
The Board of Trustees is committed to fulfilling its responsibilities to represent the public interest by establishing policies for current and long-range academic and facilities plans and programs that are consistent with the institutional mission and development of the College.
View the Board of Trustees Goals and Priorities 2023-26. (Updated 6/21/2023)
El Camino College is governed by the five members of the El Camino Community College
District Board of Trustees. Each is elected for a four-year term. A non-voting student
member is elected annually by the student body, with a term of office for one year
commencing June 1.
PRESIDENT Trisha Murakawa Trustee Area 3 |
VICE PRESIDENT Nilo Vega Michelin Trustee Area 2
Katherine Steinbroner Maschler Trustee Area 4
Brett C.S. Roberts Trustee Area 1 |
TRUSTEE Clifford Numark Trustee Area 5 |
STUDENT TRUSTEE Wesley Marshall Term Expires: 6/2025 |
Board meetings are scheduled monthly and are open to the public. View the schedule of meetings.
All meeting agendas are available online.