COVID-19 Updates

Covid 19 Task force update


Because of California’s statewide stay-at-home order, courses are being delivered via online/remote instruction. Face-to-face labs and activity classes that could not be converted to an online format are cancelled. To learn about plans for Fall and winter, click here.

Thank you for your understanding and for working together to ensure the safety of our community.

Memorandum of Understanding between El Camino Community College District and the El Camino College Classified Employees, Local 6142

Supervisor Checklist
When Scheduling Staff To Work On Campus

Employee Checklist
Reminders When Working On Campus

Student Checklist
Reminders When Attending Class on Campus

Personal Protective Equipment Order Form for Employees


Update Archive


As we coordinate our efforts with state and local health and public safety authorities on this rapidly evolving situation, please consider the following for the safety of our campus and greater community: 

Facts about Coronavirus

What to Do if You’re Sick

Information about COVID-19 Testing


Campus Reopening Safety Plan

Information for Students

Cleaning Protocol and CDC Guideline with Cleaning Products

Reporting Protocol for
Positive COVID-19 Cases


Training Materials

Virtual Campus Services

Student FAQs

Student FAQs: CARES Act Funds

Employee FAQs

State Budget Impact