Campus Buildings Closed February 13: Campus buildings will be closed on Thursday, February 13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. as staff will be participating in professional development activities. Buildings will reopen at 3 p.m.

Using Virtual Counseling

Virtual counseling is a convenient way to connect with a counselor via email, live chat, and/or videoconferencing. Find out how to get the most out of an online counseling session.

Virtual Counseling: Getting Started

Explore El Camino’s virtual counseling opportunities. Virtual counseling gives you the chance to experience a face-to-face counseling session through a digital platform. You’ll be able to connect with a counselor and complete all the services available in the traditional, in-person counseling appointment format. You can either chat with departments through online chat cards listed below, make an online counseling appointment, or choose online express counseling for your session.

Make an Online Counseling Appointment

Our counselors are ready to meet with you – learn how to make an online counseling appointment and set a path to complete your goals. 

Try Online Express Counseling

If you have a quick question, you can choose online express counseling – no appointment necessary. 

Get Ready!

We encourage you to prepare for your upcoming counseling session, no matter what platform you choose!

How to Prepare for Virtual Counseling

You can prepare for online counseling services in the same way as you would for in-person services on campus. Here are some tips for a successful session:

  • Plan meeting sessions in time to meet college deadlines.
  • Be on time – you and your counselor have a busy schedule!
  • Be prepared to share your academic dreams/goals.
  • Review and draft questions you would like to ask.
  • Print out any information you need to reference or have it ready on your screen.
  • Explore your career options and ask your counselor to identify popular professions and pathways for your area of interest.
  • Keep an open mind and consider the ideas presented by your counselor!

To utilize videoconferencing online appointments, you will need to have access to a computer with specific technical requirements:  

  • Browser: Latest version of Chrome or Firefox; our online counseling services are not compatible with Safari.
  • Webcam and microphone: Required for face-to-face online appointments.
  • Headset/Earbuds: Optional, but highly recommended for online appointments.

If you do not have access to this technology, you can still meet with a counselor by scheduling a telephone appointment.

  • Please make sure you have the latest version of Chrome or Firefox before your counseling session begins. Our online counseling services are not compatible with Safari.
  • Counseling appointments are confidential, therefore, the use of a private computer, tablet or smartphone in a quiet environment is encouraged.
  • Please do not engage in virtual counseling sessions while you are driving or participating in other activities.
  • Wear proper attire.
  • Make sure there is sufficient lighting in the room.
  • Eliminate background noise.
  • Have a headset with microphone ready – your cell phone headset will work great!
  • Avoid interruptions: Do not answer phone calls, text, or browse the web during the appointment.
  • Be respectful when communicating with your counselor.

Note: Counseling faculty and staff reserve the right to end a chat or videoconferencing session if a student engages in behavior deemed inappropriate, offensive and/or discriminatory.

Contact Us!

Counseling Services

El Camino College