Campus Buildings Closed February 13: Campus buildings will be closed on Thursday, February 13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. as staff will be participating in professional development activities. Buildings will reopen at 3 p.m.
Find more information about parking regulations, parking citations and appeals process, and electric vehicle charging stations.
Parking Services is located in the Police Department building at the corner of Redondo Beach Blvd. and Crenshaw Blvd. The office is open Monday-Friday 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., closed on campus holidays and weekends. Parking Services can be reached during normal business hours at 310-660-6769 or [email protected].
View Parking MapThe Vehicle Code Laws of the State of California, the Ordinances of Los Angeles County and the Traffic and Parking Regulations of the El Camino Community College District are in effect 24 hours per day, seven days per week and are enforced by the El Camino Police Department pursuant to section 21113 (a) of the California Vehicle Code.
All parking and traffic regulations are enforced through citations issued by the El Camino Police Department. The El Camino Community College District reserves the right to restrict the use of any parking stall, area, structures, or lot at any time.
Staff and student parking permits are displayed by hanging them in front of the rear view mirror and may be transferred from one car to another. Decal permits that may be affixed to the inside window are available from the Police Department for individuals who drive vehicles that are difficult to secure.
Student parking permits are $20 for the Fall and Spring semesters, and $7 for Winter and Summer sessions. They are available to purchase at the Bookstore. Students and visitors may also purchase daily parking permits for $3.00 per day, available from the parking permit machines located throughout the campus parking lots. Exact change is needed when purchasing parking permits as these machines do not take credit cards or mobile payment.
Daily parking permits are to be displayed on the dashboard, with the permit date facing the front windshield.
Immediately report the theft of an El Camino College Parking Permit to the Police Department. A police report will be taken and the parking permit ID number will be placed in the stolen parking permit database. The individual may purchase a replacement permit at the Bookstore.
No vehicle shall be parked in excess of the posted time limit (within any 24-hour period) in any of the visitor parking areas. Please check the signs posted in the visitor parking area for time limits. All vehicles parked in excess of the posted limits will be cited.
A person shall not use such a plate or placard for the purpose of parking unless the person is disabled, or the driver of a vehicle in which a disabled person is a passenger.
Pursuant to section 22511.56 (a) of the California Vehicle Code any person on El Camino College Campus displaying a placard is subject to presenting proper identification and evidence of the issuance of that placard to parking enforcement officers and or campus police officers upon the officer's request.
Misuse of a placard may result in, but are not limited to, the confiscation, citation, removal of the vehicle, and/or arrest. Misuse of a placard is described in section 4461 (c) of the California Vehicle Code and is classified as a misdemeanor.
Individuals displaying a disabled person's placard or disabled person's license plates may park in designated disabled persons parking stalls and timed zones without receiving a citation.
Individuals displaying a disabled person's placard or disabled person's license plates parking in student or staff parking stalls (non-disabled persons stalls) must display a valid ECC parking permit. Vehicles not displaying a valid ECC parking permit will be issued a parking citation.
Additional information may be found on CA-DMV's website, reference sections 22511.5 - 22511.95.
Parking and traffic regulations will be enforced through a joint action of the El Camino Police Department and the South Bay Superior Court, Torrance, California.
Citations issued by the Police Department and all fines are payable to the El Camino Community College District. Parking fines are a minimum of $40.
Parking Regulations are enforced 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Parking permit requirements are enforced 24 hours per day, seven days per week throughout the entire year, including holidays and weekends, unless otherwise specified.
Students and visitors may park in the staff parking lots with a valid El Camino College student parking permit/daily permits after the posted times on weekdays and all day on weekends and holidays.
Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 22651 of the California Vehicle Code, vehicles can be towed and/or booted. This vehicle
code section applies to all roadways, parking lots and parking structures on district
Vehicles that have been towed will only be released to the registered owner.
The El Camino Community College District shall not be liable under any circumstances for the loss or damage caused to any vehicle parked on or adjacent to any District property.
The Police Department may only offer assistance in calling an authorized auto service such as AAA, local tow company, etc. for motorists requiring flat tire, battery jump, vehicle unlock (key assist) and/or towing services. We are not able to assist in any other way or provide equipment.
An Online Parking Citation Appeal can be filed online.
You may pick up a Parking Citation Appeal form at the El Camino Police Department lobby, located at the corner of Crenshaw Blvd. and Redondo Beach Blvd. in Parking Lot K. You may also submit a Parking Citation Administrative Review Via the web. You must come into the Parking Services Office if you elect to go beyond Step I.
You have 21 days from the date of your citation to submit an Administrative Review form to appeal your parking citation. This form allows you to put in writing your explanation and reason for appeal. This form will be reviewed by the Police Department, and a decision will be made and mailed to you within five working days. Parking citations will generally not be recommended for dismissal for a lost or forgotten permit, improperly displayed permit, not knowing the regulations, not displaying daily permits properly and not seeing the signs. Please be specific in explaining why you feel the citation should be dismissed. If you do not agree with the findings of the Administrative Review, you have the option of going on to Step II.
You must have completed an Administrative Review form and completed the entire process before requesting an administrative hearing. You may request to have a hearing before an El Camino College parking citations hearing officer by coming in person to the El Camino Police Department within 21 days after the decision of the administrative review has been mailed to you. In order to request an Administrative Hearing, you must pay the full amount of the parking penalty in the form of a check or money order or claim indigence status. If you do not agree with the decision of the administrative hearing officer, you have the option of going on to Step III.
Pursuant to C.V.C. 40215(b) a person may complete an indigent status form if they can prove that they do not have the ability to post the penalty due to financial hardship in order to set up the administrative hearing. The appellant must complete the indigent status form and submit it along with your request for an administrative hearing for consideration.
You must have completed both the Administrative Review process and the Administrative Hearing in order to file a Notice of Appeal through Civil Court. You are required to appear in person at Stanley Mosk Courthouse, 111 North Hill Street, Room 102, Los Angeles, CA 90012 within 30 days after personal delivery or within 35 days after mailing of the Administrative Review final decision. The Notice of Appeal can only be made after an individual has had an Administrative Hearing final decision. A copy of the Notice of Statement of Decision must accompany the filing. The court will require a filing fee, plus any other applicable court charges and fees; the appeal is heard de novo with the parking agency’s file in the case submitted as evidence of the violation.
WARNING: Failure to adhere to the timelines as indicated in each step will prevent you from contesting a citation any further.
Ten Level 2 electric vehicle (EV) ChargePoint charging stations (marked in green) are available on the lower level of ECC's Parking Lot C (located off Manhattan Beach Boulevard - view campus map). Students, staff, faculty and visitors with a valid parking permit are welcome to use the charging stations.
Only electric vehicles that are using the charging stations may park in the designated spots. A vehicle that is parked in an EV charging station but is not connected for electric charging purposes is subject to citation and/or tow per CVC Section 21113(a).
The cost to use the stations is 30 cents per kilowatt hour. In order to use a station, you must have a ChargePoint account, and you may pay using either the ChargePoint mobile app or ChargePoint card. Those with a current ChargePoint account may start using the stations at any time.
For more information, contact Parking Services at ext. 6769 or [email protected].