Campus Buildings Closed February 13: Campus buildings will be closed on Thursday, February 13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. as staff will be participating in professional development activities. Buildings will reopen at 3 p.m.

English as a Second Language (ESL)


The mission of the English as a Second Language (ESL) Department is to prepare students with adequate listening, speaking, reading, writing, and academic skills to enable them to be successful in everyday situations, vocational settings, and transfer-level classes.

The English as a Second Language (ESL) program at El Camino College has existed for over 25 years. During that time, it has served students from almost 100 different countries. The department has a large faculty highly qualified in English, second language acquisition, and linguistics. Many of the instructors are bilingual and have lived abroad.


Not sure what ESL/NESL class to take? View the video below! 

ESL/NESL Sequence of Classes: 

Credit SequenceNoncredit sequence



Registration Process for Credit/Mirrored & Noncredit ESL Classes


Step 1: ESL Overview

Watch El Camino College’s ESL video to learn more about our Credit and Mirrored ESL Courses!

Step 2: Fill out ECC Application

To enroll in ESL credit courses, please create a CCC Account and fill out the ECC Application.

  • For instructions on how to apply, please click here. Para instrucciones en español, por favor haga clic aquí
  • For in person assistance, please visit the ESL office at SOCS 101, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm by appointment only (please call our office to schedule an appointment 310-660-6457) OR visit the Warrior Welcome Center in Student Services Building, Room 148, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  • If you have an F1-Visa, please apply at the International Student Program in the Student Services Building, Room 164. 

Step 3: Assessment

After completing the ECC Application and receiving your student ID, you would need to complete an ESL Placement Test for Credit and Mirrored ESL Courses.

  • If you are an International Student, please click here to start the Placement Test.
  • If you are NOT an International Student, please click here to complete the first part of your assessment OR schedule an appointment to take your ESL Placement Test in person:
  • Please note that the second part of your Assessment must be completed in person (by appointment only). Schedule an appointment by clicking on the following link:

Step 4: Register for Classes

  • Once you’ve taken the ESL Placement, you can register for classes.
    Need assistance? Refer to the step-by-step guide available at
    Para instrucciones en español, por favor haga clic aquí

    For in person assistance, visit the ESL office at SOCS 101, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm OR visit the Warrior Welcome Center in Student Services Building, Room 148, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Step 1: ESL Overview

Watch El Camino College’s ESL video to learn more about our Noncredit ESL Courses! 

Step 2: Create a Community & Continuing Education Account

To enroll in ESL noncredit courses, login to El Camino College Community Education website: and click on ‘Create Account’. Next, click on “Create New Profile’ to create your own username, password, and profile.

For instructions on how to create an account, please click here

Para instrucciones en español para crear su cuenta, por favor haga clic aquí


Step 3: Assessment 

After completing the Lumens (noncredit application) or receiving your student ID number if you applied through MYECC, please stop by our office to take the noncredit placement assessment. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

Please visit our office in the Social Science Building, 101, for further questions.


Step 4: Register for Classes

Once you have completed the ESL placement survey in person, our ESL staff will inform you of the course level for which you qualify. If class registration is open, you may register for the level you were placed in or a lower level.

For instructions on how to register for classes via the El Camino College Community Education website, click here

obtener instrucciones sobre cómo registrarse para clases a través del sitio web de El Camino College Community Education, haga clic aquí. 


If you applied through MyECC, please refer to the step-by-step guide available at

Si presentó su solicitud a través de MyECC, haga clic aquí para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo registrarse en la clase. 


If the class you wish to enroll in is already full, please stop by our office so we may add you to the waiting list.

Credit vs. Mirrored vs. Noncredit ESL

El Camino College (ECC) has two ESL programs, the  CREDIT program and the NONCREDIT program. Our goal is to help you reach your educational goal(s). Per state legislation (AB 705), all students can register directly for transfer-level coursework. Colleges like ECC utilize multiple measures to place students in ESL courses. Please see the chart below and find out which ESL program is best for you! 


Credit ESL

Mirrored Courses (Noncredit)

Noncredit ESL


Classes that will count towards a degree or certificate in any of a wide variety of careers.

Mirrored classes are exact replicas of credit classes; only they are noncredit. Students attend class with credit students and are expected to do the same work.

Courses focused on helping students communicate in English at home, at work, and in the community.

Units per Class

4  units Summer 2022

Please note: 5  units starting Fall 2022



International (F1 Visa) Students

Please contact the International Student Program regarding the classes you need to take



ECC Courses

*Not all classes will be offered every semester

Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation

ESL 51 A – Elementary

ESL 51 B – Intermediate

ESL 51 C – Advanced


Reading and Vocabulary Building

ESL 52 A – Elementary

ESL 52 B – Intermediate

ESL 52 C – Advanced

Writing and Grammar

ESL 53 A – Elementary

ESL 53 B – Intermediate

ESL 53 C – Advanced

*Only 5 spots per class offered

Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation

NESL 51 A – Elementary

NESL 51 B – Intermediate

NESL 51 C – Advanced


Reading and Vocabulary Building

NESL 52 A – Elementary

NESL 52 B – Intermediate

NESL 52 C – Advanced


Writing and Grammar

NESL 53 A – Elementary

NESL 53 B – Intermediate

NESL 53 C – Advanced

Noncredit ESL

NESL 600

NESL 601

NESL 602

NESL 603

NESL 604

NESL 605


ESL for Health Care I & II

ESL for Childhood Educators I & II

ESL Support for Career and Technical Programs

ESL for Math I & II

ESL for Medical Terminology

ESL for Anatomy and Physiology I & II

ESL for Radiological Technology I


After you apply to ECC, you can register to take the Accuplacer test by completing the following form:

Credit & Mirrored ESL Placement

ESL Study Guide

  • Testing Hours: Placement is available only by appointment.
  • Components: This is a computerized reading comprehension test + a placement survey.

After you apply,  take the Noncredit Placement: 

Noncredit Placement

  • Testing Hours: Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Components: This is a placement survey.


Tuition & Fees




Community and Continuing Education Center, SOCS 101

[email protected]


Personal Care Aide Program

Free Personal Care Aide Program_English Free Personal Care Aide Program_Spanish




International Students

If you are an international student and want to take ESL classes at the college, you can get information from the International Student Program at (310) 660-3431. International students need a TOEFL score of at least 450. If an international student's TOEFL score is lower than 450, they can take classes at El Camino Language Academy before meeting the 450 TOEFL score requirement.


If you wish to discuss further your ESL placment results and/or challenge an ESL prerequisite, please get in touch with theDean of Humanities, Scott Kushigemachi, at [email protected]


  • Fall 2024 Courses


Spring 2025 Courses



If you'd like to visit, the ESL Office is located at the Community and Continuing Education Office in Social Science 101. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via email at [email protected] or by phone at 310-660-6457. We're here to help you get started!


Holiday Office Closure Announcement

Please be advised that the ESL office will be closed from December 21, 2024, and will reopen on January 6, 2025, at 9:00 AM in observance of the holidays. We wish you a wonderful holiday season and look forward to assisting you in the new year! 

Thank you for your understanding.

El Camino Map showing where the ESL office is located


El Camino College offers a variety of free ESL classes that prepare students for specific academic subjects and careers.  Please complete the following survey to let us know which courses you are interested in taking.

ESL Interest Survey