Campus Buildings Closed February 13: Campus buildings will be closed on Thursday, February 13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. as staff will be participating in professional development activities. Buildings will reopen at 3 p.m.
3 units
3 hours lecture
Recommended Preparation:
or eligibility for
or qualification by appropriate assessment
Credit, degree applicable
Transfer CSU, UC
This course provides an introduction to geology, including the scientific method and
the history of geology. It examines the materials, structures, and processes that
compose and shape the earth. It includes a survey of minerals, rocks, and soils a
study of plate tectonics and the forces that create volcanoes, earthquakes, and mountains
and a study of surface features due to weathering and erosion, streams, mass wasting,
ground water, glaciers, wind, desert processes, and ocean waves. The course examines
concepts of geologic time, relative and absolute age dating, and fossils. The course
also investigates renewable and non-renewable resources as well as mining provinces
that produce metals important for industry and technology.
Note: 1 unit of laboratory science credit will be granted with concurrent or subsequent
enrollment in a geology laboratory course.
3 units
3 hours lecture
Recommended Preparation: GEOG 1 and eligibility for ENGL 1A
Credit, degree applicable
Transfer CSU, UC
This course is a study of the history of the Earth since the time of its formation
to the present day. It integrates plate tectonics into a detailed investigation of
the dynamics of the Earth’s geologic forces and their effect on the atmospheric, oceanic,
and biologic realms. The effect of extraterrestrial events such as asteroid impacts
that have shaped our habitable world are also covered.
Note: 4 units of laboratory science credit will be granted with concurrent or subsequent
enrollment in GEOL 4 or GEOL 30 or GEOL 32.
1 unit
3 hours lab
Prerequisite: GEOL 1 with a minimum grade of C or concurrent enrollment
Credit, degree applicable
Transfer CSU, UC
This course is a laboratory study of geologic exercises and the use of topographic
maps. Laboratory exercises will include identification of rocks and minerals, map
exercises, structure problems, field studies and recognition of land forms created
by various processes working on and in the earth.
1 unit
3 hours lab
Prerequisite: GEOL 2 with a minimum grade of C or concurrent enrollment
Credit, degree applicable
Transfer CSU, UC
This course utilizes laboratory exercises and field study to apply geologic principles
in identification of minerals, igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks and fossils
and their use in interpreting earth history, age relationships, and paleogeography
of selected regions.
4 units
3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab
Recommended Preparation: eligibility for ENGL 1A
Credit, degree applicable
Transfer CSU
This course is a broad-based introductory study of earth science for future educators
and will include teaching techniques to engage students in science. The topics covered
are part of the California science standards and are designed to introduce geology,
oceanography, meteorology, and solar system astronomy. It includes the study of earth
materials, geologic history, ocean basins and coastlines, weather and climate, pollution
and earth resources, planetary geology, and the scientific method. The laboratory
component includes study of rocks, maps, scientific instruments, earthquakes, and
local geologic features.
Note: GEOG 6 is not designed for geology or earth science majors.
3 units
3 hours lecture
Recommended Preparation: ENGL 84
Credit, degree applicable
Transfer CSU
This course is a multidisciplinary introduction to environmental and natural resource
issues, with an emphasis on how they can be understood in terms of physics, chemistry,
and biology. This course examines human population growth through history, resources,
pollution, and sustainability, and relates them to how humans use and affect the hydrosphere,
atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere.
3 units
3 hours lecture
Recommended Preparation: ENGL 82
Credit, degree applicable
Transfer CSU, UC
This course presents a study of natural hazards such as earthquakes, volcanism, hurricanes,
landslides and floods and how we can prepare for and possibly mitigate these phenomena
in order to lessen their impact on society. In addition, this course will address
global climate change and associated earth science processes, as well as the misuse
and pollution of vital natural resources such as freshwater.
1 unit
3 hours lab per week to be arranged
Prerequisite: GEOL 1 with a minimum grade of C or concurrent enrollment
Credit, degree applicable
Transfer CSU, UC*
This course is a field and laboratory study of the geologic history, rock types, and
structural and geomorphic features of the Death Valley region, with special emphasis
on seismic activity and desert processes.
Note: Credit may be earned in Geology 30, GEOL 32, GEOL 34, and GEOL 36; however, only one course will be UC transferable.
Note: Some labs will be held in the field on weekends at arranged times. UC does not accept Geology 30, GEOL 32, GEOL 34, or GEOL 36 for the Physical Science laboratory requirement.
1 unit
3 hours lab per week to be arranged
with a minimum grade of C or concurrent enrollment
Recommended Preparation:
Credit, degree applicable
Transfer CSU, UC*
This course is a field and laboratory study of the geologic history, rock types, and
structural and geomorphic features of the Sierra Nevada and Owens Valley with special
emphasis on volcanic and glacial processes.
Note: UC does not accept
, 32,
, or
for the Physical Science laboratory requirement.
1 unit
3 hours lab per week to be arranged
Prerequisite: GEOL 1 with a minimum grade of C or concurrent enrollment
Recommended Preparation: ENGL 84
Credit, degree applicable
Transfer CSU, UC*
This course is a field and laboratory study of the fault history, rock types, and
structural and landform features of the deserts of Southeastern California with a
focus on volcanic processes and desert landforms in the Mojave Desert region and Anza-Borrego
1 unit
3 hours lab per week to be arranged
Prerequisite: GEOL 1 with a minimum grade of C or concurrent enrollment
Recommended Preparation: ENGL 84
Credit, degree applicable
Transfer CSU, UC*
This course is a field and laboratory study of the geologic history, rock types, structural
and geomorphic features and mountain building processes along the central and southern
California coast with special emphasis on the geologic history of the Salinian Block,
the subsequent impact of the San Andreas Fault, and coastal erosional processes.
Note: Credit may be earned in GEOL 30, GEOL 32, GEOL 34, and Geology 36; however, only one course will be UC transferable. Note: Some labs
will be held in the field on weekends at arranged times. UC does not accept GEOL 30, GEOL 32, GEOL 34, or 36 for the Physical Science laboratory requirement.
1-3 units
hours to be arranged
Enrollment Limitation: two earth sciences courses with a minimum grade of B in each and acknowledgment by
the instructor with whom student will work
Credit, degree applicable
Transfer CSU*
This course provides special advanced studies in a subject field of Earth Sciences
not covered in the regular departmental offerings. Regular conferences with the instructor
are coordinated with assigned Earth Science projects (54 hours per unit).
Note: *Transfer limitations apply. For eligibility requirements, go to
(formerly Geology 99abc)