Campus Buildings Closed February 13: Campus buildings will be closed on Thursday, February 13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. as staff will be participating in professional development activities. Buildings will reopen at 3 p.m.

COVID-19 Protocols

Learn about the safety protocols in place for commencement at El Camino College.

COVID-19 Protocols

El Camino College has implemented protocols regarding masking and vaccinations in order to ensure the safety of our students, employees, and guests. All commencement ceremony attendees should anticipate following current COVID protocols to enter campus. We strongly recommend checking this page often for updates.


Last updated: May 31, 2022


Graduates who will be participating in the commencement ceremony must:

  • Be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and have their proof of vaccination uploaded to the World Back to Work portal, OR
  • Provide a negative COVID-19 test 48 hours prior to commencement -- no approved exemption needed for this one event

All students must check into a health screening kiosk when they arrive. Those who are approved to enter campus will receive an entry wristband.

Helpful Links:


Guests must bring proof of COVID-19 vaccination with them when entering campus.

Those who cannot show proof of vaccination can:

  1. Provide a negative COVID test from a CLIA-certified lab taken within 48 hours of their visit, OR
  2. Test on-campus

All visitors must check into a health screening kiosk when they arrive. Those who are approved to enter campus will receive an entry wristband.


Fast Track Entry into Commencement

Guests are not required to make an account with World Back to Work but encouraged to do so in order to expedite the entry process. See the instructions below under "Fast Track Entry into Commencement."


On-Campus Testing for Commencement Available:

Thursday, June 9 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Friday, June 10 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.



  1. Testing site on the South end of the campus, which is adjacent to the Sand Courts and Softball Field (near the stadium)
  2. Testing site on the North end of campus, adjacent to the campus Bookstore and North Field. 
  3. Accessible testing site in Lot E on the North-West end of campus near the baseball diamond.

View Campus Map


On commencement day (June 10, 2022), masks for outdoor activity are optional and strongly encouraged.

Masks are still required for indoor areas.

Graduates are required to attend an indoor information session in the Marsee Auditorium at 3 p.m.

Please note: Masking requirements are subject to change as conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic change.


Fast Track Entry into Commencement

Save time and upload your proof of vaccination or negative test in advance to fast track your way into commencement!

Any guests planning on attending commencement should create a Cleared4 Profile and either upload their:

  • Proof of COVID-19 vaccination, and/or
  • Proof of negative COVID-19 test


If you are an existing student, faculty, or staff at El Camino College, and already have an existing account, have uploaded your vaccination card and have been granted your Blue Pass, please do NOT make a new profile. You will be able to use your existing account and check in as normal. 


Children 2 and Under

Children 2 and under are not required to test. 

Ages 3-17

Individuals ages 3-17 must provide:

  • Proof of COVID-19 vaccination OR
  • Negative COVID-19 test

We will have testing consent forms available for parents/guardians of children (3-17) who do not have vaccination or third party test proof, or vaccination proof. 

Minors Attending Without Parent/Guardian

Minors planning to attend commencement without their parent/guardian and who do not have proof of vaccination or third party test proof, will be required to have their parent/guardian sign the consent form in order to test and gain entry. Please use the appropriate link below to access the consent form.

Proof of completed consent must be shown to the entry screeners via electronic signed copy of the consent or printed copy when arriving on site. Please make sure to download a copy of the completed consent form. 

Download Consent Forms


Vaccination proof upload is open and available to anyone that has a Cleared4 profile.

Deadline to Upload Vaccination Proof: Thursday, June 9 at 11:59 p.m.

  • You will not be able to upload your vaccination proof after the deadline.
  • If you did not make the deadline please ensure you bring your vaccination proof with you to commencement for onsite verification, otherwise you will be directed to test onsite and produce a negative result for entry.

How to Upload Proof of Vaccination

  1. Once you have created a Cleared4 profile, you will receive a welcome email/SMS. Within this welcome message you will find your personal link. By clicking on that link you will be directed to your personal profile on your browser. You will be prompted to read and accept the consent.
  2. Once complete, click the button on the bottom of your profile "Enter Your Vaccination Data" to upload your vaccination proof.
  3. Your submission will be reviewed and approved by one of our site admins within 24-48 hours.

Vaccination Upload Button in App


On-Campus Testing for Commencement:

  • Thursday, June 9: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
  • Friday, June 10: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

When to Upload

Test Proof Acceptance Opens: June 8 at 12:01 a.m.

  • The ability to upload test proof will be enabled 48 hours before event.

Test Proof Acceptance Closes: June 9 at 11:59 p.m.

  • If you did not make the deadline please ensure you bring your test proof with you to commencement for on-site verification, otherwise you will be directed to test on-site and produce a negative result for entry.

How to Upload Proof of Negative Test

Any user that has a Cleared4 profile will be able to upload proof of test starting June 8 at 12:01 a.m. using the button located towards the bottom of their profile called "Enter COVID-19 Test Result."

Negative Test Button in App


Acceptable proofs of negative test result must meet the following criteria to be accepted:

  • Must be obtained from a CLIA-certified Lab (Walgreens, CVS, Quest Diagnostics, etc.)
  • If antigen, test must be collected within 24 hours from the day of the event
  • If PCR, test must be collected within 48 hours from the day of the event
  • Testing is available on the El Camino College campus on June 9 (9 a.m. - 7 p.m.) and June 10 (8 a.m.-5 p.m.)
  • At-home tests are NOT accepted

All test proof must contain the following information:

  • Entity issuing the result (e.g., laboratory, healthcare entity, or telehealth service), and
  • The person's name, one other identifier (e.g. date of birth), date of collection, type of test performed, test result, and
  • Clear, legible, and unobstructed uploads are required for approval. Illegible or incomplete records will be rejected with a request to re-upload.


Immunity will only be granted if your negative test proof follows the test proof criteria above and your test proof shows a positive result that the sample was taken no more than 90 days ago and no less than 11 days before the day of the event. NAAT/PCR, and Antigen tests are acceptable. At-home tests are NOT acceptable.


  • Existing vaccination-exempt students, faculty, and staff do NOT need to create a new profile.
  • Exempt guests will still be required to meet the testing requirement prior to entry.
  • We encourage all vaccination-exempt individuals to test June 9 with an on-site PCR, or June 10 with an on-site antigen.
  • Getting tested before commencement will fast track you through check in the day of the event. 


How To Access Commencement with QR Code

On June 9 and June 10 at 7 a.m., a reminder message will be sent to individuals who upload their proof of vaccination by the deadline to their World Back to Work profile. The message will contain the QR code "Blue Pass" that is required to enter campus for commencement. 

Additionally, users will receive their "Blue Pass" notification when their proof of vaccination is approved. Any of these notifications can be found in either email or SMS form. 

Please note: The Cleared4 profile registration link, vaccination proof, and negative test upload option will be disabled the day of the event

If You Miss the Upload Deadline

If you miss the vaccination upload deadline, you will be able to provide vaccination proof, third party test proof, or test on-site the day of the event. Please remember to bring your vaccination proof, proof of third party test, or allow for enough time to be tested on campus.



Contact [email protected].