Campus Buildings Closed February 13: Campus buildings will be closed on Thursday, February 13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. as staff will be participating in professional development activities. Buildings will reopen at 3 p.m.
One of the essential ingredients of any successful crime prevention program is an informed public. The following information may help you remain safe on and off campus.
Because a critical element of a campus safety program is training, the El Camino Police Department Community Oriented Policing Unit will present safety programs, seminars and discussions on such topics as sexual assault awareness and personal safety on and off campus.
You may reach the Community Oriented Policing Unit by calling 310-660-3100. All effective crime prevention programs include some measure of people watching out for one another. All staff and students are asked to stay alert and aware of what is going on around them, and remain security conscious and involved. People aren't suspicious; behavior is!