Getting to Zero

Join the Carbon Discussion. NOW at the NEW Art Gallery & Online



Getting to ZERO is an exhibition and event series that centers around the topic of decarbonization within the design and building industries. Considering that the construction and operations of buildings account for nearly 40% of the total carbon emissions and 23% of the construction debris that is sent to our waste streams, El Camino’s architecture students designed sustainable strategies that aim to generate minimal or zero carbon and waste.

Anchored by an exhibition of student case studies, construction models, and design proposals that demonstrate sustainable practices in architecture and building technology, the series will explore what it means to achieve zero. This will include industry presentations, student exchanges, and discussion forums all designed to engage visitors on ways to be stewards of our environment.


(dates are subject to change)

02.22 student exhibit opens

02.28 student to student exchange

02.29 getting to zero official kick-off

03.13 the arts complex building case study

03.19 water: LA's elusive resource

03.26 women leading the charge in sustainability 

04.18 getting to zero roundtable

04.20 architecture, community, and earth

04.25 exhibition closes...but the effort continues

Coming Up...

Check back here to get details on an upcoming Getting to ZERO event.

04.18 Carbon Reduction, Renewables, & the Environment

Be a part of the roundtable conversation from a panel of enery and architecture experts about using alternatives to eliminate or reduce carbon emissions within the building industry. Mina Greas, Architect and ECC Faculty wil moderate. The panelists include:

– Lance Collins, AIA, LEED AP,  Partner Energy

– David Intner, AIA, CEM, LEED AP, Southern California Edison

– Ismar Enriquez, AIA, LFA LEED AP, GGA+ (Architecture & Planning)

Held at the Art Gallery 6:00 - 7:30pm 

04.20 Celebrating Earth Month: Architecture, Community & the Environment

Join us for a day of activities, discussions and demonstrations including:

– 11:00am -2:00pm: Environmental Teach-in and Green Careers Expo, presented by the League of Women Voters. Located at the East Ding Room (above the Bookstore)

– 2:00pm -5:00pm: Presentation on "Being an Eco Warrior" and a community viewing of the Getting to ZERO exhibition. Located the the Art Gallery (across from the Library

Attend, Participate, Support

Find out how you can get involved in or sponsor an event. Email [email protected] for additional information.