The legislative powers and functions of the associated student body is vested in the Associated Students Organization (ASO) Senate.
The Senate is scheduled to meet during the semester on the dates and locations listed below from 1-2 p.m. Senate meetings may not follow a consistent schedule, but agendas will be posted below 72 hours prior. All meetings are open to the public.
To view ASO meeting agendas from previous academic years or semesters, visit the ASO Archives.
Vice President: Isaac Alpert, Chair of the Senate - [email protected]
President: Danielle Kabboul
Vice President: Isaac Alpert
Student Trustee: Wesley Marshall
Director of Finance: Mia Wroe
Director of Academic Affairs: Kelly Nguyen
Director of Public Relations: VACANT
Director of External Affairs: Nabeeha Muhammad
Director of Student Services: Abigail Sucup
Director of Human Resources: Hazelle Becera
Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Zaynah Robb
Behavioral and Social Sciences: Vacant
Natural Sciences: Vacant
Business: Senator Dylan Brunkhardt and Vacant
Library and Learning Resources: Vacant
Health Sciences and Athletics: Senators Genavieve Sileo and Natasha Tran
Humanities: Vacant
Mathematical Sciences: Vacant
Industry and Technology: Vacant
Fine Arts: Senators Dulce Stein and Victoria Crudup
Commissioners of Finance: Vacant
Commissioner of Human Resources: Vacant
Commissioner of Student Services: Vacant
Commissioner of External Affairs: Vacant
Commissioner of Publicity: Vacant
Commissioner of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: VACANT
Commissioner of Academic Affairs: VACANT