Planning & Budget Committee


According to the Making Decisions Document 2020-25, the mission of the Planning and Budget Committee (PBC) is to assure that campus-wide annual planning and budgeting are integrated and evaluated while driven by the mission and strategic initiatives set forth in the Strategic Plan. The PBC also makes recommendations to the Superintendent/President on all campus-wide annual planning and budgeting issues.


According to the Making Decisions Document 2020-25, the College constituencies that compose PBC’s membership are the following:

Function Amount Constituency
Co-Chair 1 Vice President of Administrative Services
Co-Chair 1 Director of Institutional Research & Planning
Member 2 Academic Senate
Member 2 Management
Member 2 Classified Staff
Member 1 ECC Federation of Teachers
Member 1 ECC Classified Employees/ECCE
Member 1 Confidential employees
Member 1 Police Officers Association/POA
Member 1 Associated Student Organization/ASO
Total 13  

Each PBC member appoints an alternate member to participate in the meeting in case members cannot attend. Additionally, each co-chair appoints two support members.  

Committee Roles and Responsibilities




Develop an understanding of the College’s institutional planning processes, revenue, and expenditures as a foundation for participating in the planning and budgeting process

Identify emerging trends and/or needs that have a College-wide budgetary impact

Review the tentative and final annual budgets in its development stages

Review annual budget implementation updates to help ensure all areas  are stewarding their budgets to make progress towards their annual goals


Ensure that the College’s annual budget is driven by institutional-level plans and is directed to achieve institutional goals

Ensure that annual planning, resource allocation, and budgeting are linked


Make recommendations regarding the College’s annual budget to the Superintendent/President

Make recommendations to the Superintendent/President regarding the progress of annual plan implementation


Report PBC’s meetings key points to the campus community and other College committees.


PBC Individual Members' Role and Responsibilities




Review all meeting materials and minutes prior to meetings

Keep informed and be prepared for discussion around meeting agenda items


Report PBC’s meetings key points to the constituent group represented

Bring to PBC meetings annual planning and budgeting issues brought up by the constituent group represented


Make recommendations regarding matters of annual planning and budgeting in the best interest of the broader College while considering the interests of their constituent group


Committee Operating Guidelines

The operating guidelines of the Planning and Budget Committee include:

1. Length of Member’s Term

2. Meeting Frequency

3. Quorum

4. Proposal of Agenda Topic

5. Decision-Making Process (voting)

6. Communication to the ECC Community

7. Procedure to evaluate processes for governance, decision making, and communication

For detailed information about the PBC’s operating guidelines, please review the Committee’s charter.


Final Budget

Meeting Information

Meetings are held on third Thursday of every month unless otherwise noted.

Location: Administration Building Room 220 & Zoom
Time: 1:15pm-2:45pm

Fiscal Year 2023-24
September 19, 2024
October 17, 2024
November 21, 2024

Committee Membership

Members Email Representation
Robert Suppelsa [email protected] Co-Chair
Viviana Unda [email protected] Co-Chair
Kristina Martinez [email protected] Management
Julieta Aramburo [email protected] Management
Gary Robertson [email protected] Campus Police
Roy Dietz [email protected] ECCE
vacant   ECCFT
Charlene Brewer-Smith [email protected]  Academic Senate
Josh Troesh [email protected] Academic Senate
Mia Wroe [email protected] ASO - Student Association
Shobhana Warrier [email protected] Confidential 
Lissette Marquez [email protected] Classified Staff
Philip Mariano [email protected] Classified Staff

Alternate Members

Members Email Representation
Luis Mancia [email protected] ECCE
Kelsey Iino [email protected] ECCFT
vacant   Management
Ketmany Sundara
[email protected] Management
Ruben Lopez [email protected] Campus Police
Sidney Porter [email protected] Academic Senate
vacant   Academic Senate
vacant   ASO - Student Association
Vonetta Augustine [email protected] Confidential
David Mussaw [email protected] Classified Staff
vacant   Classified Staff