Chat with a counselor, get registration help, learn how to access MyECC, and more!
Need a clearance? Schedule an appointment with an FYE counselor.
If you are planning to repeat a class for a third time, you will need to submit a
course repetition form. (If it is only a second attempt, you do not need to fill out
this form.)
Submit Repeat Petition
Please note: These forms are not processed by FYE. These are handled through the Admissions Office.
To follow up on this request, please contact the Admissions Office.
Want to take an overload of units this upcoming semester?
If you are planning on taking an overload of units this upcoming semester (more than
18 units in the spring), fill the form below. You must meet with an FYE counselor before submitting the form so that they can check eligibility.
Submit Overload Petition
Please note: These forms are not processed by FYE. These are handled through the Admissions Office.
To follow up on this request, please contact the Admissions Office.
Are you having trouble accessing your MyECC? The Information Technology Services (ITS) Help Desk is your single point of contact for anything information technology related.