Maintaining your financial aid eligibility is important to your success as a student. We’re ready to help you understand what is Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and the Loss of California College Promise Grant (CCPG), and help you submit an appeal in case you are disqualified from financial aid.
Federal regulations require that all financial aid students meet minimum academic standards in order to receive financial aid payments. Minimum financial aid academic standards at El Camino College are defined in the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy (PDF)Financial aid policies are in effect for all El Camino College students, including students who have not applied for financial aid.
The California College Promise Grant requires students to have a cumulative completion rate (progress) of 50% or higher and a cumulative grade-point average of 2.0 or higher to be eligible for the California College Promise Grant. Minimum academic and progress standards at El Camino College are defined in the Loss of California College Promise Grant (CCPG) Policy.
Loss of CCPG Policy (PDF)
Your SAP/Loss of CCPG status can be accessed on the Financial Aid Self-Service Portal. Please check to verify if you need to submit an Appeal Form using the online application. If you are in warning, please do not submit an appeal as it cannot be pre-approved for the following term.
Students who lost their federal financial aid due to not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and/or students who lost the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) due to not meeting Academic and Progress Standards, can file an appeal online.
To get started, check for a Sap Status notification email sent to your ECC email address. The notice will provide your current SAP Standing and a link to the appropriate SAP & Loss of CCPG Appeal based on your current SAP standing.
There are three different SAP appeal forms available:
If you need help with your appeal attend a SAP & Loss of CCPG workshop or visiting the Financial Aid Lab in SSB-229. Please refer to the acceptable reasons for submitting an appeal as outlined in the Appeal Form. The Appeal Form must be submitted with a current, counselor-approved comprehensive Educational Plan or Lock-in-List (Max Time Frame). Incomplete appeals will be denied.
The SAP & Loss of CCPG Appeal forms are available online. It can be submitted from any computer, tablet, or phone. A comprehensive Educational Plan or Lock-in-List (Max Time Frame Only), Academic Transcript and additional supporting documentation can be easily uploaded. Please take the time to collect you required documents before starting the appeal. Incomplete appeals will be denied so read the instructions to understand what you need to provide.
If you have questions or need a paper version of the Appeal Form, please visit the Financial Aid office to request a printed version of the Appeal Form.
If you exceed the maximum time frame to complete your program you will need to submit a SAP Appeal for Maximum Timeframe and meet with a counselor to complete a Lock-in-List (LIL).
The LIL is a special education plan that is given to students who need to file an appeal because they have attempted 150% of the units required to complete their degree program. The only courses that are placed on a LIL are those required for the student to receive a degree or certificate from El Camino or to transfer to a four-year institution.
Students on an approved LIL may not be paid for repeated courses, nor may they change their degree objective or transfer major or receive financial aid (with the exception of the CCPG) for courses that are not listed on their LIL. Students on a Lock-in-List are placed on Financial Aid probation and must maintain a grade-point average of at least 2.0 and complete at least 67% of units attempted each semester.
You can request someone to contact you for a LIL Appointment for a Maximum Time Frame Appeal.
The Appeal Form must be submitted with a current, counselor-approved educational plan. All appeals for Satisfactory Academic Progress must include a Comprehensive Education Plan or Lock-in-List (Max Time Frame Appeal Only) that includes all coursework required to complete an associate degree, a vocational certificate of at least sixteen units, or plan to transfer to a four-year college or university.
Below are some of the extenuating circumstances and examples of supporting documentation that may be considered for an appeal.
The California Chafee Grant is a federally funded grant administered by the California Student Aid Commission also known as CSAC. SB 150 allows Chafee Grant recipients a more flexible SAP policy than other forms of aid.
Chafee Grant Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards
Students who fail to make SAP for two (2) consecutive semesters, must meet with an academic advisor to develop an educational plan for improving their academic progress or update an existing plan to have continued Chafee Grant eligibility.
Students who continue to fail to make SAP for three (3) consecutive semesters must once again meet with an academic advisor to develop an educational plan which will enable the student to succeed with their educational goals.
Students who fail to meet SAP standards for four (4) consecutive semesters shall lose Chafee grant eligibility. The student will receive a written notice of the process for appealing the loss of the Chafee grant.
The student will automatically regain Chafee Grant eligibility if one of the following applies:
A student who loses Chafee grant eligibility due to SAP who is not enrolled for one or more semesters will regain eligibility upon future enrollment at ECC.
To learn more about this program, visit or call (888) 224-7268, or email your questions to [email protected] with “Attn: Chafee” in the subject line, or write the commission to:
California Student Aid Commission
Specialized Programs Operation Branch
Attn: California Chafee Grant Program
P.O. Box 419029
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-9029
Fax: (916) 464-7977
Student Services Building 229
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Phone: (310)660-3593 ext. 5493