Campus Buildings Closed February 13: Campus buildings will be closed on Thursday, February 13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. as staff will be participating in professional development activities. Buildings will reopen at 3 p.m.
Academic Program Review Template (Word document)
The Academic Program Review template is a pre-formatted document that includes all required components for a full academic program review and the supplemental questions for a Career Education (CE) two-year review. The template also includes auto-pagination, a table of contents, and space-holder headings for required appendices. Added to this version of the template is a rubric for each section so you can self-assess. This is also, generally, the rubric by which the Academic Program Review Committee evaluates programs.
CE Two-Year Review ONLY Template (Word document)
The CE Two-Year Review template should be used by CE programs that are only required to complete the supplemental questions for the review cycle. The template includes auto-pagination, a table of contents, and space-holder headings for required appendices (e.g., Advisory Committee membership list, Advisory Committee meeting minutes).
Link to Program Review Data Dashboards
The above link is to Institutional Research and Planning's various dashboards. The page contains a dashboard guide, a link to Annual Planning dashboards, Program Review dashboards, and all the others that can show you enrollment data, course success data, degree and certificate data, and more.
Data for Program Review Training
The above link takes you to a recent training that discussed how to find and analyze a variety of data you'd need for Academic Program Review.
SLOs for Program Review Training
The above link takes you to a recording of a recent training that discussed how to find and analyze all the SLO data you'd need for Academic Program Review.
What’s New About Program Review at El Camino College?
Nuventive Guides - Program Review