Starting new courses can be a busy and stressful time. That’s especially true as we navigate the uncertainty and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. El Camino College is ready, as always, to assist and support students with resources and guidance. Check out the links below to find information that will help you succeed this fall semester.
Chat with an Ambassador: Visit the virtual information desk and get answers to all your general El Camino-related questions. Admissions & Records and Financial Aid staff are also available. For general questions email:[email protected].
Coronavirus Resources: Find helpful information about COVID-19 from the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, as well as resources to assist with online learning from the California Community College system.
Bookstore: Bookstore is open Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Ordering textbooks for your courses starts with visiting the Bookstore online.
Canvas: Become acquainted with the Canvas online course delivery platform. Canvas will help you stay connected, learning, and communicating throughout the semester.
Counseling: Counselors are available via drop-in during the first two weeks of the semester to assist with classes for spring and filing for graduation petitions. For convenience, prerequisite clearances and overload requests are available via electronic forms.
Financial Aid: Find contact information to speak with financial aid staff. Also, learn how to apply for assistance with fees, books, supplies and transportation through scholarships, grants, work study, and loans.
Library: Library is open Monday - Thursday from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Keeping Warriors Safe: Resources and FAQs to help you stay safe and informed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Parking: Parking is free for fall semester.
Registration / Add a Class: See the steps you’ll need to follow to add a class.
Student Health Services: Students who have paid the health fee for the current term are eligible to receive virtual telehealth service and limited in-person services from the Student Health Center. A number of wellness resources and virtual workshops are also available.
Technology Loan Program: Free laptop, WiFi hotspot, and calculator loans are available to eligible students.
Tutoring & Learning Resource Center: Tutors are ready to assist you online with a variety of academic subjects.
Veterans Services: A wide array of assistance is available to students who have served in nation’s armed forces, including; counseling services, connections to resources food, housing, and employment services.
Warrior Welcome Center: This is the place to ask questions and get help on any aspect of your El Camino experience.
Writing Center: Tutors are also available remotely to provide feedback and guidance on writing assignments for any of your courses. You can find the Writing Center on Instagram and Twitter.
Warrior Pantry: Food items for students in need will be available via drive-thru distribution. Check webpage for details. Open Tuesdays and Thursdays!
Schedule Builder: Use this tool to explore and build your ideal class schedule at El Camino. Search for open classes using the online searchable schedule.